Your Rights, Our Responsibility

Independance & Choice

To have choice and control to ensure independence.

We work to our core values to ensure Voice, Choice and Control.

  • Teach advocacy, Voice.
  • To ensure you are provided with informed Choice.
  • To have the tools to make decisions + take Control.

Privacy & Confidentiality

Personal information is not shared without permission. All information is kept confidential.

This policy ensures we protect and handle personal information in accordance with the NDIS and relevant privacy legislation. We acknowledge an individual’s right to privacy while recognizing that personal information is required to be collected, maintained and administered in order to provide a safe working environment and a high standard of quality.
The information we collect is used to provide services to participants in a safe and healthy environment with individual requirements, to meet duty of care obligations, to initiate appropriate referrals, and to conduct business activities to support those services.

Right to be Safe

All participants deserve and have the right to a safe support system without violence, abuse, neglect & exploitation.

Every single person has a right to live a free life free from the fear of violence, abuse, harm, neglect and exploitation regardless of their gender, age, disability, background or any other characteristic. We are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all participants we provide supports and services to.
Any alleged, suspected or act of abuse, neglect or exploitation is a reportable incident. It must be reported to the NDIS Commision, police and any other relevant 
It is out organizations responsibility to respond to reportable incidents immediately, and a notification process will be undertaken with the NDIS commission and relevant stakeholders.
Documentation of all incidents will be recorded on an internal incident report and logged onto an internal incident register.
Records of incidents will be kept for a minimum of 7 years from date of incident. 


Individuality & Uniqueness

You have the right to your own individuality & uniqueness.

This policy aims to support and promote an inclusive environment that recognizes, respects and values the individual differences of all people engaged with our services including participants and workers. These individual differences can include:
– Gender
– Age
– Language
– Ethnicity
– Cultural Background
– Disability
– Sexual Orientation
– Religious Beliefs
– Family Responsibilities
When supporting participants, being culturally responsive is an important part of providing person-centered supports. Person centeredness means the supports are “person focused” rather than “service focused” and culturally responsive means we are able to interpret, define and respond to the individual cultural needs of each participant.




Contact Us

Reach out to our friendly team today and find out how we can help you, or a person you care about, have a voice, make their own choices, and take control.