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Social and Community Access Programs

We offer a range of fun social and community access programs

We help promote social inclusion and support participants in building lasting relationships.

What this looks like for each individual and their family will be unique to them, so we always start by discussing relevant communities and any expressed goals to feel included in these.

Our Programs include:

Bowling clubs

For all ages and skill levels! Ten pin bowling is a wonderful way to socialize and meet people and form new friendships. To gain social skills and confidence, as well as learn how to share, be patient and take turns.

We work with YOU utilizing ball ramps and lane bumpers if needed to have the most fun possible!

Mentors by YOUR side providing person-centered support YOU are comfortable with.

  • Learn social skill and etiquette
  • Interact in groups
  • Identify and regulate emotions
  • Tuesdays and Fridays during school terms.

Music program Group

Express yourself! Share your voice! All are welcome!

Have fun in a creative environment with musical games! Play with instruments and dance up a storm! A fun place to be with warm and welcoming support to encourage YOU in YOUR gifts and talents We provide a person centered service that each participant feels comfortable with.

At the end of the year YOU can PERFORM your best hits at the Christmas Graduation party! Make friends, have a good time and embrace personal skill sets to further YOUR music journey

  • Transportation provided
  • Karaoke equipment at site
  • Thursdays during school terms.


Contact Us

Reach out to our friendly team today and find out how we can help you, or a person you care about, have a voice, make their own choices, and take control.